世界排名第59的代尔夫特理工大学是啤博士两位发起人:太空精酿和王博士的工作学习所在地。啤博士从这里起源,到目前已经拥有了中美欧三国15名博士酒鬼成员,我们已经举办了19次品酒会和12次线下活动(啤酒节等)。自然不会忘记在本校举办更多活动。 在荷兰时间本周四(10月27日)晚20:00,我们将会在校园的The Barn活动区举办一次中型品酒会,邀请了Delft本地著名酒店Flink Gegist的资深酒评人Wouter为大家讲解本次品酒会,太空精酿同学也将为大家介绍各种啤酒原料相关知识,保证收获丰富。具体信息如下: 时间:10月27日晚20:00-22:00 人数:仅限35人,报名从速。 收费:15欧 语言:英语 要求:必须TU Delft本校学生和职工方能通过系统报名(请勿给公众号留言) 地点:TU Delft校园,体育与艺术中心(Mekelweg 8, 2628 CD Delft)后的曲棍球俱乐部附近The Barn (参见图片) 酒品:农舍艾尔,燕麦世涛,烟熏波特,陈年贵兹,格鲁特啤酒,双料IPA,冰馏博克 (Farmhouse Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Smoked Porter, Old Gueuze, Gruit, Double IPA and last but certainly not least an Eisbock) 还会附带有各种小吃点心。 活动链接: http://sc.tudelft.nl/en/agenda/event/detail/2710-beer-tasting-at-the-barn/ 或者点击文章底部阅读原文 (具体报名通道可以到艺术中心主页Agenda上寻找Enroll) 活动英文介绍: You think you know beer? Think again! The basic product is a mixture of malted grain(s), hop(s), water and yeast but the recipes, types of ingredients and production differences create a vast variety of flavours and beer types. So if you want to experience a lot of different tastes in beer, enrol for this tasting below! Still think you know beer? Now some of you will think: ‘Pff I already know this, I have tasted a lot of speciality, craft beers’. Don’t worry! We have put together a line-up of seven (!) beers in collaboration with ‘Flink Gegist’ that does not consists of the usual beer tasting choices and/or types. We have for instance; Farmhouse Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Smoked Porter, Old Gueuze, Gruit, Double IPA and last but certainly not least an Eisbock. Now, if you know anything about beer, then you know this is an opportunity to further broaden your beer horizon. There will be served some small snacks but do eat before the tasting and make sure to enrol quickly because spaces are limited. 【啤博士】由来自中国、欧洲和美国的十几位博士组成,在科研学习之余,致力介绍全球精酿啤酒文化的发展方向。我们会采访世界知名酒厂、协会、酒吧、酿酒师等,译制各类精彩的视频供大家欣赏与学习,分享自己的酿酒经验,同时在各类官方平台发布优秀文贴或译文。